What is Anesthesiology and Reanimation?

    Anesthesiology and Reanimation is the department that manages the first stage of all surgical operations and has the authority to initiate. Anesthesia literally means ‘numbness, insensitivity’. Anesthesiology allows the patient to experience a controlled loss of consciousness at the beginning of the operation. It is not exposed to psychological effects. Anesthesia is performed when the patient’s vital values are within the healthy range. Reanimation is the method used to normalize the vital functions that have been severely damaged or temporarily stopped. /p>

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Diagnosis and Treatment Services

    Our specialist physician in the Anesthesiology and Reanimation department of our hospital examines the patient before the operation and decides together with the patient the most appropriate anesthesia method for the operation to be performed. We can list the types of anesthesia applied in our hospital as follows.

  • General Anesthesia: It means that the patient is fully conscious / unconscious under anesthesia. There are many anesthetics and analgesics that can be selected according to the characteristics of each patient. .These drugs are used under the control of an anesthesiologist.
  • Regional Anesthesia: Anesthetizing a part of the body (arm, leg, chest, etc.) by injecting drugs called local anesthetics with a needle ‘ Regional It is called ‘Anesthesia’. There are varieties such as Spinal, Epidural, Nerve Block.
  • Spinal Anesthesia: It is the administration of medication by passing the membrane surrounding the spinal cord between the vertebrae from the lumbar region with the help of a needle. The legs become numb, the legs become immobile. After the procedure, the legs continue to be inactive for 4-6 hours. the dice A very thin tube (catheter) is left in the nose. The anesthetic drug is given through this tube to provide numbness. The difference from the spinal cord is usually no loss of movement.
  • Epidural-Spinal Combined Anesthesia: Two methods combined While a comfortable surgical environment is created with spinal anesthesia in patients for whom good muscle laxity and immobility is desired, medication is given for postoperative pain control through the insertion Epidural catheter.
  • Regional Nerve Block: It is often preferred in surgeries performed on the arms and legs. Anesthetic drugs are administered around the nerves leading to the area to be operated to provide immobility and numbness in that area. .This anesthesia, which takes effect in about 10-15 minutes, only provides numbness of the area to be treated without loss of consciousness and sensation.
  • Sedation:< /strong> This anesthesia method is used for minor surgical interventions (Endoscopy, MRI, etc.) by administering drugs to the patients through the vascular access. In all these methods, numbness and immobility are temporary. >

Nutrition and Dietetic Diagnosis and Treatment Services

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics; Our hospital has all devices equipped with advanced technology for the diagnosis of nutritional diseases. Main diagnostic methods such as Body Mass Index, Nutritional Tests and Hormonal Tests are used. First of all, the necessary tests are requested by the dietician and a suitable diet program is prepared according to the results of the tests and followed up weekly. In the inpatient service, the nutrition program suitable for the patient and the disease is prepared and applied by the dietitian.