What is Nutrition and Dietetics?

It is the science that examines the functions of foods on human health and creates a nutrition plan to improve health against diseases. Nutrition and Dietetics; It aims to provide people with healthy eating habits, and ensures that the person’s diseases (blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc.) are followed by creating a suitable nutrition plan. It organizes personalized nutrition programs to reach the ideal weight of the person.

What Diseases Does the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Deal with?

  • Childhood and Adolescence Nutrition
  • Nutrition in Digestive System Diseases
  • Adult Obesity
  • Mother-Child Nutrition
  • Diabetes, Prediabetes Nutrition
  • Weight Gain Programs
  • Weight Loss Programs
  • Nutrition in Gestational Diabetes
  • Food Allergy
  • Eating Disorders
  • Athlete Nutrition
  • Weight Maintenance Programs
  • Nutrition in Oncology (Cancer) Diseases
  • Nutrition in Cardiovascular Diseases

Nutrition and Dietetic Diagnosis and Treatment Services

     Department of Nutrition and Dietetics; Our hospital has all devices equipped with advanced technology for the diagnosis of nutritional diseases. Main diagnostic methods such as Body Mass Index, Nutritional Tests and Hormonal Tests are used. First of all, the necessary tests are requested by the dietitian and a suitable diet program is prepared according to the results of the tests and followed up on a weekly basis. In addition, the nutrition program suitable for the patient and the disease in the inpatient service of our hospital is prepared and applied by the dietitian.